The Deepest of Comforts: Inner Spiritual Guidance

My deepest hope for the people I work with in spiritual direction is this:

that they develop a tried-and-true capacity to call upon higher spiritual guidance, whether in difficult or ordinary times.

What does this look like?

Client “Martha” talked in her sessions about staying up late fretting about whether she should confront her sister about alcohol use. We talked about various options and I could see her anxiety rising. I then invited her to take a few deep breaths, and listen for what she knows to be true in her heart.

She sat for a while, relaxed into her body. A slight smile emerged. A slight nod of her head. She had clarity. She had access to her higher guidance, and knew the step that was right for her to take.

Almost all the people I work with are clear that there is a spiritual dimension to life. They’re also clear that this is a powerful reality, able to guide them in ways are both subtle and amazing. And yet most still struggle to tap into this spiritual compass.

Here’s how it works: We activate higher guidance when we are in relationship with a greater, transcendent presence, a power beyond our human capacities. A Sufi teacher I once heard said,

I don’t care what you call it, as long as you call on it.“

Call it God, the Tao, the Buddha, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, dead uncle Chester, your best self. The Divine will work through any of these channels. The name doesn’t matter.

What matters is putting yourself into an open, receptive space, where you listen and trust that a wise word will come forward.

From here, the process is simple but not easy in given our spinning minds. Quiet yourself and your body. Breathe intentionally. Bring your heart and mind toward the person or presence you trust. Ask a real question. And then really listen.

This listening process has made a huge difference for my clients and for me. Most of my big decisions are guided by a variety of spiritual allies - and I do find variety to be helpful.

But the payoff is even more valuable than making wise life choices. Something happens to our being when we regularly turn to this higher guidance. We feel a deep sense of support and comfort.

It’s a powerful relief to know that we don’t have to figure life out on our own. In this guided space we feel held by and connected to a power greater than ourselves. An abiding sense of faith and trust become our grounding and our companion.

It’s my greatest hope that this higher guidance becomes increasingly present to you.

One of the names for this disposition of grounding, peace, and guidance is the 4th Way. I run small 4th Way groups to support this process. Check them out here. Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you will consider an upcoming 4th Way Group!

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for a 4th Way Group!