How to Live in a Universe that is Conspiring for Your Wellbeing

Did you know you are living in a universe that is conspiring for your wellbeing?

I believe it’s so. I believe our reality is infused with grace. I believe our world is seeking to make more life out of life, to enable our growth with a fundamental abundance.

If you want to join me in this belief, here are 7 ways to optimize your life in a generous universe:

1.     Cultivate a positive mindset: Embrace an attitude of gratitude and positivity. This may seem like pie-in-the-sky thinking, but positive psychology has a lot of research to back it up. If you understand that the universe is working in your favor, you’ll be able to find a silver lining in almost every situation. This mindset stokes your motivation and resilience, and opens doors where they seem to be closed.

2.     Dream: What if the longings of your heart were more than just fantasies? What if they where the universe drawing your attention to how you can live more vitally? So, dream big and trust that the universe will support you along the way.

3.     Follow your intuition: Pay attention to your inner guidance and trust your instincts. You can trust this source of guidance when you open your heart to its highest knowing, through prayer and meditation. Your intuition is a remarkable tool in navigating life's challenges and making decisions that are in alignment with your well-being.

4.     Surround yourself with positive influences: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Collect beautiful things. Listen to music you love. Each of these is a channel through which the universe nurtures and guides you. And, limit your exposure to anxiety-producing inputs like disparaging news and toxic people.

5.     Care for and about your self: Your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being need to be given the highest priority in your life. Get enough sleep, eat nourishing foods, engage in regular exercise, and manage stress in healthy ways. Prioritize the care of your self to ensure you have the energy and resilience to give to others, and be of service in the world.

6.     Care for and about your relationships: If you want to grow as a human, become more vulnerable and authentic in your relationships. Relationships that are grounded in mutual respect, trust, and empathy are another channel through which the universe optimizes you. Share your joys, challenges, and aspirations with others, and look for ways to walk with others as they do the same.

7.     Stay open to learning and growth: Think of yourself as a plant that naturally grows given the sunshine of intentional learning and the water of curiosity. See every circumstance that shows up on your doorstep, positive or negative, as the next invitation to adapt and evolve as you navigate through life.

Living in a universe that is conspiring for your wellbeing does not mean that you won't face challenges or setbacks. It simply means that you choose to believe in the inherent goodness of the universe and that you take proactive steps to optimize your life based on that belief.

Try out this life-approach for a day or week or month and sees what happens. I think you will discover, as I have, that this life becomes a remarkable adventure.