What Happens in a 4th Way Group?

I’m often asked about what happens in the 4th Way Groups I offer. In this video, I share a brief overview of the the 4th Way Group and what happens in Session #5. The title of this session is: The Journey into Subtle Perception: Sovereignty & Opening to Spirit-World Guidance.

I lead two 4th Way groups per year. One is in person in Minneapolis (starting in September) and the other is online through Zoom (starting in January). Apply at https://www.sojournersinstitute.com/4th-way-groups

What have the past 25 participants shared with me about why this group was important to them? Here are just a few:

  • A community of like-minded people is so hard to find, and these groups provide that.

  • A valuable exploration of a spirituality that is both ancient and attuned to emerging awareness.

  • The monthly practices and exercise provide encouragement and support to expand personal spiritual practice.

  • There is homework, reading, and partner conversations between sessions that support ongoing exploration and discovery.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you will consider an upcoming 4th Way Group!

Apply here

for a 4th Way Group