Where Are You Spiritually Located?

Where does your spirituality live right now? On the never-ending spiritual journey, where do you find yourself these days?

I’ve learned to see our spiritual locations in four categories: dwelling, seeking, practicing, and experiencing.

The dwelling location is for those who live comfortably within a religious or spiritual tradition, and tend to stay within that location. Here, you feel at home in an established context, a supportive framework, whatever that may be. This can be a hospitable, communally-connected place to inhabit.

The seeking location is for those who are spiritually curious or struggling. There is a sense of being in transition. It can be a time of feeling adrift as well as feeling an urge to move in a new direction. Here in this wandering place, it can be harder to feel a sense of home, but there is an underlying urge for the new.

The practicing location is for those who are focused on engaging in particular spiritual practices. This may be meditation, centering prayer, creative endeavors, intentional time in nature… there’s no end to possibilities. This location is marked by a valuing of and attraction toward a pattern of intentional practice. Though the practices may change over time, there is an intention to hold to the rhythm of these spiritual expressions. And these practices are often felt to anchor and orient all other aspects of one’s life.

Many of us move in and out of these three spiritual locations. There may be days, months, or years where we locate in an area and then shifts happen.

Where are you currently located spiritually?

Among these three, there’s no right or wrong, no better or worse. Yet there is something that transcends them, a fourth location that has a different quality to it. This one can drop into any of the other locations. It often comes to us in a fleeting moment, and it times it sustains over time like the vibration of bell.

The experience location brings us into a direct encounter with the transcendent. These are moments when the world within and around us shifts. There is a deep, palpable connection with the sacredness of life. The typical preoccupations, fears, and needs drop away and there is a sense of “all is well.” A sense of gratitude settles in.

The fears, pace, and superficial attractions of modern life shut the door on this fundamental Lifeforce that is our true home. And, at the same time, we are all held within this grace, whether we know it or not.

My spiritual guidance work with clients, in one way or another, is all about reconnecting with this experience of the Divine, as much as we are able. It’s about being present to our various spiritual locations, and learning from them.

If you find yourself feeling compelled toward something more, our Sojourners Institute as various offerings:

  • I’m especially excited about my upcoming 4th Way Groups. These small groups help you further orient to a life that’s in tune with the divine. The deadline for the next group is coming up so apply in the next few weeks, if possible.

  • The Enneagram Learning Lab

  • The Spiritual Direction Learning Lab supporting current and aspiring spiritual guides

  • Blogs for both spiritual seekers and spiritual directors

  • I have an expanding set of videos

Wherever you are now, I wonder, where are you being drawn and called next?