Is It Time to Join a Spiritual Practice Group?

I’ve been reading a great book recently: The Awakened Brain by Lisa Miller. It’s about how our brains are wired for spirituality.

This kind of awareness is so underappreciated in our culture, which often is either spiritually illiterate or spiritually superficial. It’s incredibly exciting to read that research is finally affirming what many of us already know. It’s no surprise that spiritual reflection and conversation light up our brain in amazing and important ways.

It’s also no surprise that this is even more true for spirituality as a social and group practice - personal reflection, that gets shared and explored with other spiritually curious people. Nothing lights us up like living spiritually, together.

I consider some of my most meaningful professional work to be leading this togetherness practice. This is what inspires what I call Sojourners Institute’s 4th Way Groups.

Along with lighting up our brain, this 4th Way perspective recognizes that our bodies and our emotions have to be in sync if we are to be spiritually attuned. Something magical happens to our awareness when body, emotions, and mind are all interconnected and awake.

I lead two 4th Way groups per year. One is in person in Minneapolis (starting in September) and the other is online through Zoom (starting in January).

I invite you to take a moment and reflect on if the time is right to undertake a deep exploration of your spiritual life with others who are doing the same.

Apply at and check out this video for more information:

What have the past 25 participants shared with me about why this group was important to them? Here are just a few:

  • A community of like-minded people is so hard to find, and these groups provide that.

  • A valuable exploration of a spirituality that is both ancient and attuned to emerging awareness.

  • The monthly practices and exercise provide encouragement and support to expand personal spiritual practice.

  • There is homework, reading, and partner conversations between sessions that support ongoing exploration and discovery.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you will consider joining an upcoming 4th Way Group!

Apply here!

For a 4th Way Group